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Category Archives: 7 wastes

Rubbing Off

A few weeks ago, I complemented a client who had made a sincere effort, against his habit, to involve a team of employees, instead of just himself,..
This entry was posted in Lean Principles, Toyota Production System. Lean manufacturing, 7 wastes, Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference, Lean Management, Lean Culture, Lean Manufaturing on September 05 , 2024.

Strategy Digi-deployment

Deming Prize winner, Ryuji Fukuda, introduced a document to my company in 1989 referred to as the X-Type Matrix for Objective Management. Relatively..
This entry was posted in TPS, lean thinking, policy deployment, 7 wastes, strategy, X-Matrix on April 04 , 2024.

Conference is Community

Last month, we completed our 19th Annual Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference. The keynote speakers were inspiring and informative, as were the many..
This entry was posted in GBMP, 7 wastes, Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference, Lean Culture on November 13 , 2023.

Labor Wastage Day

I’ll admit it. After five decades watching U.S. companies turning to simplistic accounting tricks to remain profitable, I’m discouraged. I was a kid..
This entry was posted in GBMP, Management Kaizen, Toyota Production System. Lean manufacturing, 7 wastes, Everybody Everyday, Lean Culture on September 01 , 2023.

It's About Time

Our 19th annual Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference (L.E.A.N. = Lean Enable and Nurture) is now just weeks away. This year’s theme, IT’S ABOUT TIME,..
This entry was posted in Silver Toaster Award, Toyota Production System. Lean manufacturing, 7 wastes, LEI, Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference, Lean Management, Lean Culture on August 24 , 2023.

Excelize Me: 4 Myths & 4 Realities of Racing to Automate

On the eve of our celebration of the American Revolution, here’s a post about another revolution: Industry 4.0. Who remembers VisiCalc, often..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, kanban, six sigma, kaizen, 7 wastes, Industry 4.0, automation, toyota production system, information automation, Lean IT on July 03 , 2018.

Who Cares for the Care Givers?

Last month I joined Eric Buhrens, CEO at Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) to host a leadership team from the Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center. They..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, lean thinking, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, lean enterprise institute, kaizen, 7 wastes, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, toyota production system on April 13 , 2018.

Tools or Culture?

With our annual Northeast LEAN Conference just a few days away, I want to relate a personal story about the theme of this year’s conference, The..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, kanban, continuous improvement, kaizen, 7 wastes, Changeover, SMED, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, enterprise excellence on September 14 , 2017.


Most often when we think of a wheel, it’s in the context of transportation, one of the more obvious and ever-present of the 7 wastes. In fact, the..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, 7 wastes, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, eoq on January 31 , 2017.

True North Pole

Many years ago a small expedition to the North Pole was funded by several American toy manufacturers, anxious to better understand how Santa’s..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, six sigma, continuous improvement, lean thinking, process, production, 7 wastes, true north, toyota production system on December 23 , 2015.

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